08 Dec 2014

The 2014 Mirobot Gift List

There are some great things out there to build with your kids (I'm sure you've already ordered your Mirobot for Christmas!) and I thought it would be good to shine a light on a few of my favourites:

The MeArm


This is a great robotics kit produced by the guys over at Phenoptix. It's well priced and lots of fun to use once you've built it (it's also lots of fun to build of course). You'll need an Arduino or the like to get it going but it's all quite simply driven using servos.

Technology Will Save Us


This one's not a product but a company that make a whole load of amazing products. There's a great variety of projects that suit a wide range of skill levels. Start with something like the Thirsty Plant Kit and work your way up to programming your own games with the DIY Gamer Kit. All of the kits play nicely with an Arduino so there's lots of room for progression.

The Bare Conductive Touch Board


Bare conductive make a really cool type of conductive ink which means you can draw your own circuits on paper and then hook them up to the touch board do do all kinds of interesting things. The touch interactivity makes using this kit a lot of fun for kids.

The Makey Makey

Makey Makey

Similar in lots of ways to the touch board, including how much fun you can have with it. This board is designed to turn everyday objects into touch sensors that can be used to control games and anything else you can think of!

That's it for this year - now you've got no excuse not to get stuck in to some fun hardware hacking with your nearest and dearest this Christmas. Hope it's a good one!